Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Introducing Receipt Bank

The #1 pre-accounting tool for accountants and bookkeepers
No more data entry. No more paper. Just more time doing what you love.
Receipt Bank | Automated Bookkeeping and Data Entry - Receipt Bank
Aspire Now is making it easier for you to record and store your data. SAVE VALUABLE TIME!!!
How does Receipt Bank work?
Receipt Bank is a platform used for the collection, extraction and storage of bookkeeping documentation.
There are a number of different types of Receipt Bank account available, to suit any business or bookkeeping/accounting practice.
You can submit items to Receipt Bank in a number of different ways. After documentation has been submitted, Receipt Bank will automatically extract the key information associated with the transaction. This includes:
● Item type - e.g. receipt, invoice, credit note, etc.
● Date
● Supplier
● Invoice Number (where applicable)
● Currency
● Total
● Sales Tax - e.g. GST, VAT, TVA, etc.
● Payment method* - What was used to purchase the item [E.G: the last four digits of the credit card]
*- For Streamline and Optimize accounts only
Once processing has completed, submitted items will be displayed in the Inbox of the Receipt Bank account. From here, the associated data can be reviewed, edited, and published or downloaded to an Accounting Software.
Once you have published or exported the items, they will be moved to your Archive tab where they are kept for a minimum of 10 years. From here you can access them, and also print them off should you require a hard copy of your items.
Aspire Now as agents has direct access to Receipt Bank and can help you through the process in getting access quick.
If you want to know more, please do not hesitate to call me or the Aspire Now team on 07-38998062 for assistance.