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Aspire Now Business Insolvency

Is your business struggling?

Too much debt not enough income?

Do not wait until it’s too late!

You can get back on the rails if you ask for help!

Licensed CPA Carlos Rodriguez Principal of Aspire Now can help you

Need Corporate Insolvency Advice?

Aspire Now can help with serious company debts, ATO and creditors pressure, cashflow problems and raising finance.

If your small business is currently insolvent you have a legal obligation to cease trading immediately, so if the business is already insolvent and is struggling with pressure from creditors then it is important for you to establish whether your company should continue to trade. The following guide will help you assess if your company is insolvent and what to do in the event that it is.

There are several warning signs that a company may become insolvent:

Problems with cash flow

The need to extend payment terms with creditors

Refinancing to pay bills

Solicitors’ letters, demands, summonses, judgements or warrants issued against the company

It is vital that all company shareholders and directors are aware of any insolvency issues, as it is an offence for a business to continue to operate and incur more debts while insolvent.

Company shareholders and directors may also be held personally liable for unpaid debts incurred from the time the business became insolvent.

By seeking early assistance from professionals, it may be possible to salvage the financial situation – and even the business. Our highly experienced team works with clients to achieve a fair result, as simply and quickly as possible.

We pride ourselves on protecting our clients as we guide them through the process of insolvency and safeguard them from any harsh or unfair treatment.

As a third-party advocate, we can take the emotional heat out of negotiations and find a solution that is fair and equitable to all stakeholders.



0411- 153 786 or 3899 8062


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1/18 Fitzgerald Ave, Springwood QLD 4127

Head office

5B/2994 Logan Road, Underwood QLD 4119
(07) 3899 8062
powered by MYOB CPA Australia

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.